Tuesday, July 29, 2008


10. When in awkward situations at work where I need to answer quickly and actually think, I can just say “ooo- the baby is kicking!” and the problem is forgotten by all.

9. I don’t have to pick up a piece of paper that I drop. Someone else is required to get it, even though they are across the room.

8. I can have 2nds (and 3rds!), spill it all down the front of me, talk with my mouth full, AND no one thinks I’m being a hog

7. No more zippers, buttons, snaps. Sweat pants on a Wednesday is acceptable work attire.. and no one dares to say a word.

6. I don’t have to politely cross my legs like a lady.

5. Instead of men talking to my chest, they talk to my belly.

4. It’s ok to sit down… whenever, wherever I want.

3. Anything I need is brought to me.

2. Men no longer attempt to impress me, I tend to scare them

1. Baby loves ice cream. He is required to have some at least once a day.

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